Metro St. Louis Storm Chasers Visit the St. Louis Muny

Members of the St. Louis Storm Chasers spent the evenings of 6/17 and 6/18  at the Muny of St. Louis’s pre show for The Wizard of Oz, which I must say was well done.

Richard Thies, Tom Stolze, and his son Austin Stolze at our table.

Our group talked to the kids and had them try their luck at creating their own tornado in a jar. Families took home instructions for simple weather experiments as well as hundreds of images of tornadoes, wall clouds, lightning, mammatus clouds, and star trails.

Images and experiment instructions on our table.
Images and experiment instructions on our table.

A fun two evenings sharing our passion for weather with the St. Louis community!

Supporting chasers, the National Weather Service and our local Media Partners